Availability : Most completed bags get sold before they even get the chance to be listed here. I’m trying my best to make them faster but they still take a long time. So if you’re really interested, it’s always a good idea to reach out with the contact form and i’ll let you know by email shortly before listing the next bag.
Replica inspired by Lara Croft’s famous classic leather backpack. It can be worn either with the iconic green tiny top or with the Tibet jacket.
This bag has been designed to be used as a cosplay prop as well as a collectible exposed in a showcase.
100% real leather, worked by hand (cut, shaped and died). Brand new bag, but worn out so it could look like a real adventurer’s backpack.
In its final stage, the leather has been nourrished with a protective wax (against water, snow, etc). Odorless and non-greasy.
Totally practical, you can store your stuff and belongings in it. Approximately 23x18x10 cm (4,15L) or 9×7.1×3.9 inches. Outside is roughly 33x20x12.5 cm or 13×7.9×4.7 inches. The slings can be adjusted from the inside anywhere between 42cm (16.5″) to 57cm (22.5″) and the whole loop is about 15cm (6″) bigger since the straps start on top and end at the bottom.
Keeps its shape even when empty (no need to fill it).
Strong sewings made by hand and with a machine.
Each backpack is unique. It’s hand-crafted so it varies from copy to copy.
Small scale production (grab yours while you can). Order are possible as well as specific dimensions (if you need longer or shorter slings for instance). Contact me so we can talk about it.
Note : As mentionned in my terms and conditions, every item ships from Switzerland, which means there might be some customs fees to handle on delivery if you’re not living in Siwtzerland. This is the customer’s sole responsibility.
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